The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29103   Message #366416
Posted By: kendall
31-Dec-00 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: UnHooked Mudcatters, Post Here!
Subject: RE: BS: UnHooked Mudcatters, Post Here!
SINSULL, here. Worse than that,Matt, we occasionally share a cookie. For those who are thoroughly confused - I am female, not male; I have no ongoing vendetta against the NRA; And as much as I love Peg's singing, she is neither my type nor too young for me.
For the "Personals", I am single ( a chronic condition) with a son (25 and on his own - almost). Brown hair, brown eyes, large breasts. 53 going on 14. Over educated (MA in Classical Languages), underpayed (selling networking hardware), have travelled the world and always ended up in NYC though despite Midchuck's anti-NY comments I am neither a bad person nor a mass murderer. Orson Welles is my idea of sexy so all of you bemoaning your portly demeanor, come visit the Big Apple and be appreciated.
I bake but hate to cook making the culinary Kendall the ideal host. He cooks; I clean. Now if Matt were only thirty years older and 50 pounds heavier...