The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122182   Message #3664606
Posted By: Musket
30-Sep-14 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: Does Folk Exist?
Subject: RE: Does Folk Exist?
Amos gave us a dictionary definition of folk I notice. (Five years later..)

Considering the population of The UK is multicultural to say the least, the tit trouser definition of 1954 falls at the first hurdle.

So.. When you search Amazon or iTunes by genre, you get a pretty good idea of what the Westerm world calls folk. I don't search on opera then get angry because I can't find Mumford & Son.

Non western traditional music seems to be in a genre called "world." Convenient catch all to cover everything from The Bhundu Boys to Greek plate smashing accompaniment. I'm sure Mr Pathyloppodus will enjoy losing his western status via Amazon. They have something in common you see, even if it is only questionable tax avoidance techniques.