The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122182   Message #3664638
Posted By: Musket
30-Sep-14 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: Does Folk Exist?
Subject: RE: Does Folk Exist?
I recall many years ago at The Stainsby Festival, Johnny Silvo suffered what the idiots shouting it thought was good fun banter about his colour. Luckily, Les Barker had left half a cucumber on stage (don't ask..) so he threw it at them and said "right shape, wrong colour."

Plenty of music out there celebrating cultural past and heritage. The last place you will find it though is in a pub with some idiot dictating what is folk to the poor buggers turning up to listen and be listened to... That's the thing about a multicultural society, folk in the traditional sense is far wider and has more colour and style than tit trousers could ever dream of.

It isn't "I like this, I don't like that." It's more of the absurdity of trying to think The UK all came from farms in The West Country, where they hated the squire and shagged the farmer's daughter.