The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155629   Message #3664938
Posted By: Teribus
01-Oct-14 - 04:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Yes Scotland.....and the rest of us?
Subject: RE: BS: Yes Scotland.....and the rest of us?
80% of Scotland's trade at present is with the countries that make up the rest of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Had Scotland voted YES it would have found itself an independent country on the 24th March 2016 according to Jowly's timetable.

That independent Scotland would have found itself:
1: Using someone else's currency over which it had no control
2: Financially hobbled as its borrowing costs would have been through the roof and with absolutely no handle on interest rates
3: A non-EU member state.

In the time between the result of the YES vote being announced and independence all of Scotland's "customers" in England, Northern Ireland and in Wales would have to make the purely business decision of paying more (the EU levies automatic penalties on member states buying stuff from non-EU countries) or finding alternative suppliers. Companies based in Scotland would be faced with making purely business decisions regarding reduction of prices to customers (Which would of course involve cutting their own costs, like wages), finding alternative customers for their products, or relocating to England, Wales or Northern Ireland. The latter by the way would be found to be the optimum for the business in question, and the easiest to implement.

Akenaton the fundamentalist can of worms has been open since 1971 and you would have seen and appreciated that had you been paying attention - nothing whatsoever to do with Iraq, Libya or Egypt.

Your 60,000 certifiable eejits (Nothing wrong with the spelling of either word there Ake - eejit and eedjit are accepted spellings according to the "Urban Dictionary") Ake have joined in the hope that they can make this issue into an "Neverendum" to be adopted at the next SNP Conference. If they succeed in doing that against the plainly demonstrated wishes of the Scottish people then if adopted by the SNP then at the 2016 Scottish Parliamentary Elections the prospect of independence becoming a "neverendum" will be used as a club to beat the SNP with. The last two years have shown the SNP to be exactly what they are - small minded, petty, spiteful nationalists who have only their own interests at heart. "Nationalism" does not have a single redeeming feature it could call its own and it should never, ever be confused or conflated with "patriotism".

Some of the many positive things that have come out of the NO result:
1: We are still the UK
2: Increased devolutionary powers will be extended to each member state making up the UK - (Not just Scotland Ake)
3: The normally silent NO voters have been roused and the indelible lesson they were taught in the referendum campaign was that apathy and non-participation with regard to politics in Scotland is now no longer an option - they universally oppose the SNP and what the SNP seeks to do
4: All those rushing to the YeSNP banner who had to register to vote in Scotland are all now being checked against non-payment of Poll Tax - the Revenue look like making inroads into recovering at least some of the £300 million that wasn't paid - priceless, absolutely priceless.