The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155680   Message #3664961
Posted By: Johnny J
01-Oct-14 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: Guest Nights on the way out
Subject: RE: Guest Nights on the way out

I agree that enjoyment of the music is the most important thing but the fact is that many of those who "regard themselves as a performer" want to be guests themselves and play for audiences whether or not making a living is the prime motive. However, there are just not enough outlets, audiences, or interest in them.

This is particularly obvious during The Edinburgh Fringe where every would be folk singer/musician and his dog seems to want to put on their own show. At other times of the year, many of them would be lucky to get a gig or even a support slot.
Of course, I'm not suggesting that most of these performers are unworthy albeit some certainly do have an overestimated view of their talent and potential pulling power. However, for the great majority, a career in folk music even at a more amateur level is, perhaps, an unrealistic notion.

So, while I'm all for encouraging people to sing and play music and even in public, I don't believe that it always necessary to be a "performer" and sharing the music is ultimately more important. For me, music is something you can sing and play WITH people and not AT people.

There will and should always be a place for good guest artists and performers in the appropriate type of club or venue. If they are good enough, they continue to attract audiences too but we can't all be regular full time performers.