The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155693   Message #3665023
Posted By: hsempl
01-Oct-14 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: Getaway 2014: memories and stories after the event
Subject: RE: Getaway 2014: memories and stories after the event
The campfire was magical; I almost didn't go because I was having so much fun in Peace, but decided to check it out, and am so glad we did; following the string of lights after the last cabin and the singing ahead getting closer while the singing behind still floated behind. At that point of the night? morning? it was a cozy group and the fire glowing embers and it fit my mood and the darkness allowed for the silly songs to come out, interspersed with beautiful ones; none I don't think of which I can remember! But it was all very jovial and convivial, and then as it got even later a light creature approached from the woods in a gently shambling manner; it turned out to be Joe who I guess had collected the light path and strung it about himself then returned for more songs. There were still several there singing when I wandered back to Peace.
MMario, I really like the folk mash-up workshop idea. Also, I wonder if anyone has led a Townes workshop recently?