The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154894   Message #3665176
Posted By: Steve Shaw
01-Oct-14 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
Nice load of bluster, Teribus, but it was all designed, as even the average thickie here (like me) could discern, to dishonestly divert from my question to you. What excuses do you have for Israel's bad behaviour, the sort of stuff that would never be tolerated here: pointless road blocks, land theft, serial incursions ("defence" my arse!) into neighbouring sovereign territory, the apartheid wall, the slaughter of innocent women and children, hundreds of thousands of cluster bomblets left all over southern Lebanon to blow off the legs of kiddies (nice one!), the white phosphorus, the blockade, remote sniper fire killing children...? Which one of those would the UK get away with and still be able to call itself a democracy? Why can't you answer, please? Because you're a mug who buys fully into the self-assumed mantle of victimhood espoused by successive Israeli regimes? And don't give me that withdrawal-from-Gaza-with-conditions revisionist guff. You know damn well that that is not why Sharon, God rot him, decamped from Gaza.