The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155680   Message #3665177
Posted By: Leadfingers
01-Oct-14 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: Guest Nights on the way out
Subject: RE: Guest Nights on the way out
Sadly , "Professional" still tends to be a dirty word in Folk circles

I find it depresssing that the Music Stand has become so important in Clubs , though age can so easily affect memory .

IF a club has a 'Paid Guest' , it is the MC's responsibility to ensure the guest has reasonable time to perform - After all , its the guest MOST of the paying punters want to hear , not some local ego tripper . More 'Professsionalism in MC's matters

If I muck a song up when doing a floor spot , I am FAR more likely to
get off rather than waste time starting again and give the guest adequate time - I DO get annoyed at Time Wasters myself !