The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3665694
Posted By: MGM·Lion
03-Oct-14 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
"Mrs Musket, a surgeon, was subjected to a pedantic answer by a patient a while ago when asking the patient how much they weighed.... When she related that odd comment, it reminded me of the "that isn't folk" bores who think folk clubs are a pedant society for librarians."
The fact that it "reminded you" doesn't make the comparison definitive, but simply records a an idiosyncratic personal association of your own, which scarcely warrants inflation to any sort of universal truth.

If they are marketed as folk and people buy them because they associate their tastes as folk, they are folk as far as they are concerned. If you see folk as something different, fine. They are both folk. Saying something isn't what it plainly is puts your credibility at the level of the old fool saying if it can be copyrighted it isn't folk...

But "it plainly is", once again, is merely a question-begging assertion of your own; how "plain" do you think it necessarily is to everyone?.

The critic John Gross, in his excellent book The Rise and Fall of the English Man of Letters (1969), wrote of the once highly-regarded & influential critic F R Leavis, "There is something faintly comic about his frequent air of having triumphantly demonstrated what has merely been strenuously asserted."

"Strenuous assertion" summarises your technique of argument to a T, Ian. And there is likewise something "faintly comic" in the way you seem to regard everybody's hash as having been consummately settled thereby.

Regards azevva
