The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155384   Message #3666006
Posted By: sciencegeek
04-Oct-14 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion
Subject: RE: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion
pete... how many times must you be told that Darwin's book on the Origin of species is not a holy tome to be revered ... it was the distillation of decades of observations and study by the author to put forward a hypothesis.

That hypothesis has been studied over the following years and refined... We've learned more and have a better idea of how things work. that's it... increased knowledge about the natural world.

your bible, on the other hand, isn't even the only version out there... yet you want others to blindly accept it as some kind of truth about the natural world... in spite of all the evidence that it is not correct. that's the sticking point, pete. your vanity want to believe that you have the answers neatly spelled out, while the rest of us understand that there will always be more questions out there and we probably won't ever have all the answers, but that doesn't keep us from looking...