The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3666606
Posted By: GUEST,punkfoklkrocker
06-Oct-14 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
There are a core of 5 or 6 regular sparring partners here,
all of whom I respect and admire for various reasons;
yet of each individual I'd say "he seems like a really good bloke, but..."

Your combined strengths could do wonders for positively promoting 'Folk music'
to an otherwise indifferent mass population..

Sadly, your combined vanities and weaknesses are probably doing more than enough
to alienate any newcomers who might come here seeking to find out more
about this this nerdy endangered archane cultural activity...

Then again who am I to criticise any of us..

One listen to my idea of what 'Trad Folk' could sound like
would probably send young kids screaming back to their One Direction & Jessie J downloads,
and their parents back to the relative safety of Culture Club and Wham CDs...

.. and I wouldn't blame them because each and everyone of these pop chart acts
have released stunningly great singles
that 'ordinary folk' will be singing and dancing along to for many years to come......