The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3666673
Posted By: Musket
06-Oct-14 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
If I said Child collected modern songs, it would be at the same time you said you had to leave The UK before the law caught up on you. If the anonymous poster was me, that'll be you who posts supporting UKIP..

Why do you have to resort to lies Jim?

Lets face it. Your preposterous stance is a laugh, but at least whilst people are laughing, some are saying good old Jim. Granted, some are saying fuck him, but thats life. Resorting to slurring people who obviously know a damned site more about folk than you like to give credit just lowers peoples' view of you, and that would be a shame because in the narrow particular corner of folk called British traditional song, you are fairly well versed. And that narrow field is a fairly fundamental one, so be more careful with it.