The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155629   Message #3666740
Posted By: GUEST,Allan Conn
06-Oct-14 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yes Scotland.....and the rest of us?
Subject: RE: BS: Yes Scotland.....and the rest of us?
I think that the idea that there is not much point in voting for the SNP in an election is way wide of the mark. To put it simply when asked which party do you believe will stand up for Scotland's interests within the UK the fact is that far more people trust the SNP to do that that any of the other parties.

As to the possibility of another referendum well Salmond himself said 'in his opinion' it should be settled for a generation. Sturgeon said circumstances would decide whether there would be another one which seems a pretty sensible and obvious thing to say. She believes it is a matter of when rather than if. Considering they were only just defeated in this referendum and their support is growing then it seems not too fanciful an idea to believe. Salmond pointed out that there was more ways to obtain independence than another referendum. This to me seemed to be in response to comments like Jack Straw's when he suggested Westminster should now settle it and make Scottish indepedence illegal. Salmond was only pointing out that the people of Scotland are sovereign not the Westminster parliament. I can't imagine there would be another vote unless the Yes side was clearly and consistently ahead in polls. One thing is clear though we were consistently told during the campaign that should we vote Yes there would never be any going back - the same was not claimed with the No vote. Never was it suggested that if Scotland voted No then it could never be independent!!