The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155629   Message #3667082
Posted By: Johnny J
08-Oct-14 - 05:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Yes Scotland.....and the rest of us?
Subject: RE: BS: Yes Scotland.....and the rest of us?

You are obviously a Tory if you believe that either Labour or The SNP are "socialists" these days.

Labour never really were and although they did and still do have members who believe in and espouse socialist views and ideals, they have always been a "broad church" albeit with a generally left of centre stance. The most radical Labour Governments were between 1945-1951 but even they believed in free market economy and had no ambition to set up a socialist state. All those since could easily have been labelled "Red Tories" even in the sixties and seventies but, of course, The Tories themselves were not as far to the right back then. "Butskillism" was regarded to be the political consensus in The UK at that time.

The SNP is also officially "left of centre" but by no means socialist either. While they may be left leaning in terms of welfare, they have different ideas regarding the economy, law and order etc. Salmond was once quoted as saying that he " "didn't mind the economic side" to ... Thatcher, but disapproved of the "social" implications of her policies ".

"(Odd that the supposed "landslide election win that brought the SNP to power in 2011 almost exactly mirrors the Independence Referendum result - Isn't it?)"

It's a little more complicated than that. Although the percentages are not that different   SNP in 2011(47%) YES in referendum(45), the make up is quite different. Many SNP voters voted NO in the referendum particularly those in SNP heartlands in The NE of Scotland etc. Those may have previously been Tory or Lib Dem voters in the past or have the potential to be so in the future. They would certainly not be "left wing".

However, many Labour voters from Central Scotland(and Dundee)...mainly Strathclyde region voted YES in the referendum in areas which were once Labour strongholds.

So while the total percentages may not be that dissimilar, the make up is not quite the same.