The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30604   Message #3667456
Posted By: bubblyrat
09-Oct-14 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Northwest Passage (Stan Rogers)
Subject: RE: Origins: Northwest Passage (Stan Rogers)
My favourite version is by Tom Lewis and his Polish friends on the CD titled "Poles Apart" ( lovely harmonies & "Leave Her Johnny Leave Her " in Polish !! ).
             Stan Rogers did not actually die in a "'plane crash" per se. The aircraft in which he was returning home from the US to Canada experienced a fire in the aft toilet compartment, from which smoke was seen to be coming.A stewardess informed the pilot,who told her to disharge a CO2 extinguisher into the compartment,which seemed to solve the problem.The pilot DID NOT declare an emergency, or ask for an alternate airfield to land at.Later, the fire got worse and smoke filled the cabin ; even the aircrew were affected.By now, they had passed over their nearest "alternate" and headed instead for (I believe) Cincinatti ,where they landed ;when the doors were opened,the inrush of fresh air exacerbated the fire ,which raged uncontrollably killing many,although it is thought that many rear-seat passengers (including Stan ) were probably already (mercifully ) dead from smoke inhalation.One can only hope that Stan did not suffer too much.The whole tragedy was caused by pilot error and was totally avoidable.