The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3667746
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Oct-14 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
You damn well know how you have behaved Muskett
Your most objectionable behavior has been towards the older singers as far as I'm concerned.
You have persistently distorted what I have had to say - simple example
"I have been called a goose stepper, Gestapo, irrelevant, hater of folk music and lots more besides by Jim on the basis of laughing at his absurd notion that if you can copyright it, it isn't folk or if it doesn't fall into some weird 1954 category, it isn't folk, even though folk music as a genre took off after the committee had adjourned. "
I have argued with your ideas - I have never described you as a goose-stepper, or anything else for putting them forward
Your recent targeting of Travellers as potential thieves (spoon-stealers) I find the stuff that the B.N.P. is made of - a joke, said to shock..... whatever, it is a racist attack on a community that really could do without having to put up with this sort of shit.
As I have said, if one of us behaved as you have, you'd be among the first your on your box squealing "folk police" - with some justification.
You appear to be, like all bullies, happy to dish it out, but not ready to take it - 'heat, kitchen and all that'.
I''m not the only one to have commented on your unacceptable behaviour.
You think I'm wrong, fine, I quite like arguing with people who have something to say and are capable of framing their ideas into a coherent statement - so far, you'd have to take an O.U. course to come anywhere near that status.
Jim Carroll