The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155795   Message #3668598
Posted By: rosma
13-Oct-14 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: guest nights and singaround clubs
Subject: RE: guest nights and singaround clubs
While I like a good guest night, my best folk club experiences have been at singers' nights and singarounds, whether I'm singing or not. One of the first clubs I went to had some excellent residents and I don't know how you would get onto the list as a newcomer (I wasn't even up to trying at the time).

Eventually I was persuaded to sing at another club and I've been doing so on and off since. In truth I had a few years off, and my return was not at folk clubs at all, but at sessions organised by a friend at various pubs. At some venues everyone in the pub would be listening to every word and note, in others no one but our core performers maintained an interest. It was in these sessions that I developed what performing confidence I have - and the ability to sing loudly where the atmosphere (or the song) demands it.

I'm not saying that y performance is amazing, and I know it can occasionally be dreadful, but when I do OK I think I manage to entertain and when I don't, things soon move to the next performer.

The club I attend now is purely a sing-around. While there is various ribbing about using words and playing guitars (Oh no!), neither of these props is actually ripped from anyone's hands, and they are always asked to perform next time round ;-)

It's all to do with inclusiveness; not in an "everyone's a winner" sort of way but in that the enjoyment of the evening is in the combination of performing and listening. We have some excellent regulars, and when a newcomer or visitor turns up it's always exciting to see what they perform and sometimes a real jewel emerges. Everyone who turns up is encouraged to perform - you may even be asked two or three times, but there is no compulsion, and pure audience is always welcome - in fact the organiser almost never performs!

From my past experience it wise to encourage those who aren't maybe quite as good as might be hoped, because with encouragement they may (and sometimes do) blossom into worthwhile performers.

Simon (