The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3668627
Posted By: MGM·Lion
13-Oct-14 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
Why the apostrophe at the end of "tha", Ian? A dialectical form of "thou", not a contraction of "that" ...

So misplaced --

as, of course, is your apparent conviction that, if you go on long enough, asserting inaccuracies in a tone of sufficiently self-righteous certainty, they will somehow achieve the status of truth.

So please be so good as to stop impertinently telling us in so browbeating a manner what you require us to think, and just go away till you have learned

·a · the difference between 'folk' & 'fake'; and

·b · the difference between reasoned argument and bullying dogmatic assertion.

Just advising you thus for your own good, you will, I trust, understand, to save you from making even more of a fool of yourself.

Ah, me!; a vain endeavour, I do grievously fear!
