The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155795   Message #3668749
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
13-Oct-14 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: guest nights and singaround clubs
Subject: RE: guest nights and singaround clubs
isn't it possible to enjoy both sorts of clubs?

the problem has been inflation. in the early 70's, for my first teaching job i was getting thirteen quid a week. folk club acts were getting twenty five to thirty five quid for a gig.

to get three times a probationer teachers weekly wage nowadays - you would be wanting between five or six hundred quid.

the case is altered. altered considerably.

the other thing is the traddy/entertainer dichotony that sprung up in the 70's. the Carthy/Carrot wars. woe betide anyone who wasn't keen on either label. a few like Bernard Wrigley managed the situation with skill. others like Wizz Jones and Gerry Lockran went into exile. many performers who could only accomplish the high level technical skill necessary by working full time as a musician started exploring by ways of the folk world - folk rock groups, session work, etc. most traddies became semi-pro.

as Jim Carrol said - it became something of a lottery turning up at a folk club - you never knew quite what to expect.