The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155817   Message #3669166
Posted By: Richard Bridge
14-Oct-14 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: Whitby 2015 - best places.
Subject: Whitby 2015 - best places.
I think that estimable daughter and fiends are getting a cottage for Whitby 2015 so my whole band (maybe not the drummer) will probably be there. We sing mostly but not all English 1954 definition folk, mostly fairly "arranged", probably more accompanied than unaccompanied. Some of the accompaniments are more "folk and roll" than "folk". We may go to be audience some of the time but will definitely want participative song stuff.

If G/F comes she may have some unaccompanied (unless I have learned guitar parts by then) songs, some Nigerian, some not.

Where should we go (other than "straight back down south")?