The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3669251
Posted By: MGM·Lion
15-Oct-14 - 04:13 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
"Really something else" is a good summation of old Muskibumz. I exercise myself every now & then [tho far from obsessive about it] as to what sort of satisfaction the ill-natured little nobody can actually get from being so constantly contentious, snide, spiteful, dishonest ··· particularly as, every little once-in-a-while, when a thread engages his not-altogether-negligible intelligence, he can debate perfectly effectively and rationally, often with some quite cogent points to contribute.

In the main, tho, he counterproductively demonstrates all the traits I enumerate; to the extent that I have, once again, more or less given up the frustrating bother of reading his irritating posts.

If we all did likewise. perhaps he would get fed up and go his ways?

As if! ··· Ah, well, one can but dream...
