The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34906   Message #3669788
Posted By: Joe Offer
16-Oct-14 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: Help: 'Lily of the West' known during Civil War?
Subject: ADD Version: Lily of the West (U.S., 1860)
I thought the "Louisville" lyrics were recent, maybe an invention of Peter, Paul and Mary. Not so. The American Memory Collection at the Library of Congress has a broadside dated 1860. Here are the lyrics:


I just came down from Louisville, some pleasure for to find;
A handsome girl from Michigan, so pleasing to my mind;
Her rosy cheeks and rolling eyes, like arrows, pierced my breast;
They call her handsome Mary--the Lily of the West.

I courted her for many a day, her love I thought to gain;
Too soon, too soon she slighted me: which caused me grief and pain.
She robbed me of my liberty--deprived me of my rest;
They call her handsome Mary--the Lily of the West.

One evening, as I rambled down by yon shady grove,
I met a Lord of high degree, conversing with my love;
He sang, he sang so merrily, whilst I was sore oppressed,
He sang for handsome Mary--the Lily of the West.

I rushed up to my rival, a dagger in my hand,
I tore him from my true love, and boldly bade him stand;
Being mad to desperation, my dagger pierced his breast,
I was betrayed by Mary--the Lily of the West.

Now my trial has come on, and sentenced soon I'll be;
They put me in the criminal box, and there convicted me.
She so deceived the Jury, so modestly did dress,
She far outshine bright Venus--the Lily of the West.

Since then I've gained my liberty, I'll rove the country through;
I'll travel the city over, to find my loved one true;
Although she stole my liberty, and deprived me of my rest,
Still I love my Mary--the Lily of the West.

H. DE MARSAN. Songs, Ballads, toy books.

38 & 60 Chatham St. N. Y.

E.A. Sparks

Border--The Trapper.

ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by H. DE MARSAN, In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York.