The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155795   Message #3670852
Posted By: Howard Jones
20-Oct-14 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: guest nights and singaround clubs
Subject: RE: guest nights and singaround clubs
Bounty Hound, it's a question of semantics, I regard anyone who is listening to a song as audience, even if only for the duration of that song. Whatever you like to call it, surely you agree that the people listening are entitled to the same level of performance from you as a 'proper audience'?

I'm not suggesting anyone should be banned from singing (although I can think of one or two... !). Each case on its merits. However very few people have genuine problems with memory, in most cases where they have difficulty memorising words it's because they haven't trained their memory.

It's about normalising behaviour. When I started it was not normal to use books or cribs, at least not openly, and as a novice singer it was obvious to me (and to other novices) without being told that I was expected to learn and understand the song, think about how to deliver it, and learn to control my nerves. Now it seems that all too often those messages aren't coming across. By trying to be kind and inclusive there's a danger of holding people back by not encouraging them to build their skills and confidence. It may help to get them started but it's not doing them favours in the long run.