The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29174   Message #367331
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Jan-01 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
Ob, boy, oh, boy...(rubbing my hands in glee...)

GUEST - Of course Rick Fielding is God. Everyone is God. Let me elaborate on that (as if you could stop me!).

God, by definition is infinite. Agreed? All powerful. Agreed? The infinite is by definition unlimited and inclusive of all that is, otherwise it wouldn't BE infinite. Therefore, everyone and everyTHING is God, manifesting in one sense or another. That doesn't mean that everyone KNOWS consciously that they are God, however, in fact most individual beings are utterly unaware of it. Their individuality depends on them at first being unaware of it. Unfortunately, it also has given rise to fear-based religions (which make God very small and then worship "Him" in their own peculiar fashion and persecute those who don't do it their way...)...and has caused fear-based behaviour of all kinds. Only when you realize that you are in absolute unity with all others (which is natural since all are part of God), do you give up this fearful behaviour.

Even you, dear GUEST, are God. You just don't realize it, that's all. If you did, you would not feel this resentment toward Rick Fielding, and would no doubt appreciate his unique qualities as much as you appreciate your own.

Midchuck - There is no "other guy". The "other guy" was invented in order to terrorize the common people into following some bunch of power-hungry priests around. It was a "damned" silly idea, if I can use that term. Sort of like a cosmic boogeyman to scare the kids and keep them in line...while the "big guy", religion's little "god", judges, condemns, and hands out presents like a cosmic Santa Claus. To believe in one is as silly as to believe in the other. I mean, how big can the "big guy" be, if he can't even prevent Satan, a mere "fallen angel" from leading his children astray and damning them for all eternity? How can God not be able to even manage his own creation? Not much of a "god"...this traditional god of the churches.

Now, GUEST, take a deep breath, and wonder why you started this thread. Just one more step on the road to self-realization???

I'm smilin', but I'm not kiddin'.

- LH