The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155956   Message #3673508
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
31-Oct-14 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: Any tricks-or-treats your way?
Subject: RE: Any tricks-or-treats your way?
Nobody comes by anymore. Tonight I had cans of tuna fish by the door, unopened, ready to drop. NO One !!!


Looking back I guess the decline every fall began the year I was given half a dozen burlap bags of English walnuts. The "trickster" would reach into the bag and politely take ONE. I would exclaim, "No take more, use two hands!" And they would, and they did. About the third urging of "more, more, please take more" the costumed bandit would be backing off the porch and soon running down the street. PERHAPS they were terrified that their bag would soon be overflowing with hard shelled walnuts rather than sweets. Soon thereafter I switched to golf pencils...the kind without an eraser...invited to take more than...the unfortunate outcome was a "diverticulitis, herneated," plastic treat bag that spewed its contents across the sidewalk. My three tins of tuna stand ready by the door, but I fear tricksters will approach...NEVER MORE.