The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155975   Message #3674036
Posted By: MGM·Lion
03-Nov-14 - 01:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conspiracy theories
Subject: BS: Conspiracy theories
I am as convinced as it is possible to be that the Moon Landings of July 1969 occurred on the Moon and not in the Utah desert. And that Myra Hindley, the notorious Moors Murderess, died in custody, and the coffin that was buried as a consequence actually contained her body, and not bricks while she had been let out thru a side door of the prison because announcing her release would have provoked too much protest...

In short, I think the vast majority of rumours of such conspiracy theories which catch on are nonsense, not even worth a second of any intelligent person's consideration.

But, as James Thurber pointed out as a moral to one of his 'Fables For Our Time', you might as well fall flat on your face as bend over too far backwards; which is to say, in present context, that because the vast majority of conspiracy theories and rumours which catch on are rubbish, that surely doesn't mean that none of them can ever possibly be true and well founded.

There are two which I do believe in; have stated so on this forum before; and have received a certain amount of scorn & obloquy [particularly on the part of one generally agreed as rather foolish regular forum-stirrer-upper] for dong so. Namely, that the deaths of two prominent women widely regarded as trouble-makers, Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana of Wales, were both too convenient to too many influential people to have been quite as adventitiously unfortunate as they were made to appear. Nothing will convince me that they weren't both rather clumsily done away with at the behest of some to whom their continued existence constituted a serious threat.

Anyone care to comment on the phenomenology of the Conspiracy Theory; on these particular ones I mention; or on any others which may occur?
