The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29195   Message #367464
Posted By: Rincon Roy
02-Jan-01 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: coffee stirred by thumb:Tales of the Frozen Logger
Subject: coffee stirred by thumb, song
Heard terrific (& goofy) song on radio this weekend. I want to know who sings it & where I can I track down a recording. The lyric goes thusly: Seems there's this waitress in a small town who notices a customer stirring his coffee with his thumb, just like her late love, a lumberjack, did. The song is full of crazy images of her dearly departed. Example, he didn't shave his beard, but just pounded the whiskers back into his face with a hammer & chewed the ends off on the inside instead. (if the author of this lyric just happens to be reading this: you are one funny person!)