The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155962   Message #3674894
Posted By: Bat Goddess
05-Nov-14 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: Nov-Dec 2014 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: Nov-Dec 2014 Declutter & Fitness
Boy have you got it right, Stilly (on the political front). We lost Carol Shea-Porter to a corrupt Repug hack, but hung on to Jean Shaheen over carpet bagger Scott Brown, and Governor Maggie Hassan. A couple friends hung on to their NH house and senate seats even though I couldn't vote for them as I'm not in their districts.

I think, too, that one of the things affecting my mood lately is we seem to keep having to fight for the same things -- especially women's issues -- over and over and over again. For the past 45 years that I've been voting.

The electrician finally got here -- and I've got him flummoxed. The breaker seems to be fine, but the outlets which also should be fine don't work. Argghhh! Tomorrow I have to clear out stuff in the guest room (I had hoped to continue in "The Room") to see if there's an outlet on that wall he can hook into rather than rewiring outside the south wall. Double arghhh!

Deaccessioned some art materials to my up the hill neighbor and found the copies of Avant Garde to sell. Also threw some stuff out. But my neighbor gave me a great sage-colored polar fleece zip up the front L.L.Bean jacket. Now I have to go through some stuff in the closet to give to her...

The news on the computer front is, well, different than we'd hoped, but everything on that hard drive should be able to be dumped onto my "new" iMac that I bought last February. I can worry about the ideal backup box to update my current backup computer later, after I'm bank in business with the new computer (and have access to my data again).

Got a lot of work done while waiting for the electrician and while he was here. Got all of Tom's paperwork out of the file cabinet but consolidated and accessible, though out of the way. Started sorting and rearranging the rest of MY paperwork so stuff can be easily found. Threw out a mess of windfall apples, but have the good ones remaining in a wire basket so the shouldn't rot before I get them cut up and either into an apple crumble or the freezer or both.

Oh, and got the lounge chair extricated from the bank behind the flower bed so I can get it stowed in the cellar for the winter. Every little bit helps. Wish I weren't feeling so stressed and so close to tears. Too much hanging unfinished and, I think, too close to the first anniversary of Tom's death.

I'm okay. Really. Just feeling...fragile, I guess.
