The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29031   Message #367838
Posted By: GUEST,Oldtimemusic1
03-Jan-01 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conservative Cavalry Enroute!
Subject: RE: BS: Conservative Cavalry Enroute!
While I do read political commentary (mudcat's threads in particular) - at least when I'm awake here at the "home" - I do tend to nod off....

Any way I hope you'll allow this old coot to make a few observations. We must remember that no president can do very much - good or bad without the support of his party. So it is the PARTY that we must be wary of.

what party was in control during slavery? Democrats What party freed the slaves? Lincoln's Republicans Which party was in power after the civil war (actually there wasn't much "civil" about it with the nation losing approximately 1/5 of its population to the war); and kept black people repressed - particularly in the South? Did you ever hear of the "share cropper" system with it's plantation stores which made sure that black (and white) share croppers didn't break free from the system. If you say Democrat - you got it!!

What party has gotten US into most wars? WWI? Wasn't it Wilson's Democrats. WWII? Roosevelt's democrats. They even "lost" some important intelligence reports re the Japanese armada ane some would say allowed the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Korea? Truman's democrats. OK well give Bush the Persian Gulf War. What about all the "mini" wars created by Clinton's Democrats - without adequate logistic support.

Which party gave us the socialistic programs which are still alive and growing today? Roosevelts Democrats. FDR's VP for his second term was Wallace (Henry - not George) was so far left that they had to keep a rope tied to his heel to keep him from floating off into left field).

Which party gave us Ruby Ridge and Waco? If you guessed Democrat - you win a cigar.

Democrats have little to fear from Republicans. Remember the impeachment trial when Lott determines that it is not necessary to call witnesses. What kindadeal is that?

I doubt very much that GW's administration will be all that conservative. Most of his cabinet appear to be center - a couple slightly right of center; and a couple slightly left of center. Watch his Supreme Court appointees that'll tell the tale. Watch the Left (that is to say: Democrats do every thing they can to "Bork" any conservative nominee.

Where was I? Oh yes the nurses came and gave me a cup of pudding - (no teeth, you know...). as I was saying in one of my more lucid moments:

The American People have far less to fear from the Left - (Democrats) than they do from the Right (Republicans). Ask the folks at Ruby Ridge; ask the children at Waco; ask Elian Gonzales.