The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156136   Message #3679403
Posted By: GUEST
23-Nov-14 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: Can Posh People Sing Folk Songs?
Subject: RE: Can Posh People Sing Folk Songs?
Hey DTM: Can a girl named Rhiannon sing the "Blues"?

All this Posh Bosh is Nikulturni. The singing of Folk Songs transcends "Class Status".

"Didn't they release a bit of film recently of Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret doing a bit of improvised folk dancing?"

Visitors to Buckingham palace in the 30s and 40s remarked upon all the singing of popular and folk songs by the royal family. "When I'm Cleaning Windows", A George Formby song was banned by the BBC. The corporation's director John Reith stated that "if the public wants to listen to Formby singing his disgusting little ditty, they'll have to be content to hear it in the cinemas, not over the nation's airwaves". Queen Mary was not amused. The BBC relented and started to broadcast the song.