The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155962   Message #3681320
Posted By: Bat Goddess
30-Nov-14 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: Nov-Dec 2014 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: Nov-Dec 2014 Declutter & Fitness
Was without power from 8:30 Wednesday night until sometime before I got home fromthe Press Room session on Friday. Had Thanksgiving with friends a couple towns away on Saturday because she was without power until mid-afternoon on Thursday.

I'm with the Co-op so I'm always prepared for an extended power outage -- batteries, jugs of water, everything charged up, woodstove ready even though I haven't used it for three years (clean chimney, plenty of firewood, kindling, newspaper). We lose power if a butterfly slams into a pole. This time the heavy wet concrete disguised as snow not only shut down the Deerfield substation, but there was at least one downed tree resting on the wires just down the road.

Nothing was open on Thanksgiving around here, (even businesses that said they'd be open) so I couldn't get ice or dry firewood (mine was stored outside and i didn't know how much effort would go into lighting a fire) and my only option for breakfast and coffee was McDonald's. (And my laptop couldn't tap into their Wi-Fi from the parking lot and I didn't feel like going back in.)

Found even dryer wood inside the stove, so built the fire, touched it off, and it caught right away and was pushing out heat within 5 minutes. Actually, the house was too warm on Thursday. Spent the day shoveling the heavy wet white concrete off the deck and schlepping firewood. Got quite a workout. Finished a book during the rest periods.

Got ice Friday morning. And a lovely breakfast at Good 'n Plenty. Cashed my small paycheck (only worked one day this week) so I could pay for the plowing, and called my hairstylist to see if she had power and I could come over and get my hair washed. Noted on my way home that Jeri's driveway was empty and had no tire tracks so I figured she'd found refuge at a motel with wi-fi, heat, and hot water. And electrical outlets for recharging. That was confirmed when she stopped over a bit later.

Schlepped more firewood and stuffed the stove before I left early for the Press Room session and a light repast (pizza) beforehand.

Wonderful session. Place was packed with loud strangers, but they shut up and listened when we started playing. I went out and schmoozed and explained a bit of the history to three or four groups who really were enjoying the music and the experience. We had a couple guests (Melissa from Cape Breton and Doug from Seattle) plus a few people we haven't seen for awhile came out of the woodwork. Sang the Thanksgiving Round and the birthday set (to the Halleluyah Chorus plus "Why Were You Born So Beautiful") twice. Really great session!

Spent Wednesday and today sorting papers and throwing stuff away. Did Thanksgiving with friends yesterday. Will pick up my computer (!!!) tomorrow.

I'm wiped. Will take a it to recover from the past few days. And it's the extension of the past couple month's rollercoaster. I can't make up my mind if I'm depressed or hanging in there. Or barely hanging in there. That's the problem: so many things have been hanging. And the the first anniversary of Tom's death and another funeral. Fetal position and sucking my thumb looks pretty enticing... And now it's almost Christmas and I have to get my posterior into gear.

And I need to charge this tablet...
