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Thread #156062   Message #3682549
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Dec-14 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: Oh! What a Lovely War! - BBC Radio 2
Subject: RE: Oh! What a Lovely War! - BBC Radio 2
"Wrong sized shells"
Wrong type of shells - that's ok then
"At no time at all was Kitchener EVER forced to tender his resignation"
"According to Paxman he was, if he wasn't he should have been for issuing "the wrong type of shells"
"Kitchener died just around the time that the conscientious objectors you refer to arrived in France"
Yes he did - hate to point out that he was demanding that conchies should be shot and those who were shipped off would have been brow bread - also in Paxman
"As Churchill said at the time - "War makes strange bedfellows""
Oh - the war started five years earlier than we thought then - Leopold was carrying out his massacres well before the outbreak of war - silence from those who later sent young men to their deaths for "gallant little Belgium"
Whether treaties were reviewed or not, Britain had a duty to oppose what was being done by one of its allies - give us a break - you've shot your load over this one with your "not in the treaty" crassness
"Great Britain"   
Didn't mention the term - I said Britain and have been saying it was a conflict of Empires.
Campaigns were being carried out - notebly by Mark Twain, to stop the slaughter in the Congo - no response
One of the ploys of recruitment was a humanitarian appeal on behalf of "gallant little Belgium"
Gloves are great for protecting knuckled dragged along the ground, I;m told
Jim Carroll