The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155962   Message #3684521
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
10-Dec-14 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: Nov-Dec 2014 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: Nov-Dec 2014 Declutter & Fitness
As of today, I am aware that it is possible to spend an entire day on the internet. I did take a de-tox bath early this morning, thinking I would feel good by 2 pm. I did but I had been trying to get out of FB since about noon and never did succeed. I stopped for lunch and read for a while, watched the early news, Big Bang, The Republic of Doyle (the very last of it!!!!) and now the late news, but basically I have been on line since about 10:30 am. I am fascinated by having done it. Oh I did make two important phone calls and checked the weather. The latter convinced me that I cannot travel to Ontario this weekend and I am bereaved. I posted on FB: "quel drag" - the friend I stay with; it was nice to see that they were looking forward to my visit; so was I. And one friend noted she had been thinking about me being "homesick" ; so right. Hope I make it during the February thaw! So, although I felt a slight urge to go upstairs and pot, I think the internet was my grieving time. I think the only way is to not go there at all - tomorrow! I did do a few minutes of clay work before bath. Plan to make a bunch of small pieces to use as test tiles in Jan

Second day of heavy wet snow - must be about 8 inches. The removal machines rattle the windows! Trees will be falling all over the area. Power may go off in some areas. But the west coast rains look more dangerous. It was, however, highly amusing to watch the high waters and wind and see wind surfers out on the water!! I loved watching them on Whidbey. They were not mentioned at all even though they appeared several times!

The laundry and dishes are done. Not much cooking as there is enough cooked food in the frig for another day or so. Cooked veggies/Arabian spices for lunch to add to curry/Lentil/rice, with a little Gorgonzola.

I found "flattened chicken" and bought one with Indian spices. Quite yummy. With roasted cauliflower and curry/lentils/rice. R just came home for supper (second time) so that is what he is having, after a small salad. Then he will prob fall asleep - with any luck! Hope all our friends in snowy or flooding places are safe and warm.