The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26975   Message #368710
Posted By: GUEST
04-Jan-01 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: Help: Not Music. Research Paper
Subject: RE: Help: Not Music. Research Paper
Carol, As a relative newcomer to Mudcat, I can say that I have benefited in several ways from my time spent here. Emotionally,this group of people who didn't know me supported me greatly at the lowest time of my life. When my daughter died,I was so overwhelmed,desperately hurt and felt stranded & alone with my feelings. I don't know why I shared it with a group of people I didn't know. I never expected the kind and loving response I received. You all could have said "We've all got problems,man". But the genuine innate goodness came out to touch the soul of another person, And that's not damn bad. Even for a computer community. I've seen it happen here on several occasions. It reinforces Anne Frank's point about the innate goodness in people.I've learned so much about folk music and a world of other subjects too. Mudcatter's are smart, witty, talented and eager to help as the responses to this thread show. I see I'm rambling but hope something I have said makes some sense and has meaning for you. I am honored to be accepted by this great group of people that I may never even meet.