The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155962   Message #3688158
Posted By: wysiwyg
23-Dec-14 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: Nov-Dec 2014 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: Nov-Dec 2014 Declutter & Fitness
SRS, re: Isn't coconut oil all the rage now? And it's in everything. Yes, it is on the upswing because the buzz is on favoring it. I'm sorry that's an allergy for you. Unfortunately, you're probably as sensitive to the cheaper, lower-nutritive-quality version. (I use the best of the best-- one small splurge.)

Michelle, "port"? (Are you sick again?)


Kitchen decks cleared for Christmas cooking which, for us, is AFTER Christmas. On the stovetop is the soup I finally got made from the t'giving turkey carcass-- Black Bean Mushroom Turkey Soup. No meat pieces IN it this year because I plan to serve it tonight with some leftover sausage fine-sliced into a large salad with the homemade mustard dressing we need to use up. (Next time I serve the same batch, I have cooked turkey to thaw and add.)

I also have all the dishes washed and partly put away, and ALL the handwashing done and counters wiped.

I miss my busy man! TBTG this year I can cook!

Two years since I got out of the nursing home, and still healing.
