The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29255   Message #369015
Posted By: Pseudolus
05-Jan-01 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: Open Mike Schmooze
Subject: RE: Open Mike Schmooze
For years I was either performing at an open mike or I wasn't performing at all. I didn't know enough songs from beginning to end to do anything else. It was at an Irish Pub on the last Thursday of the month and it got to the point that they had to limit the time for people to make sure everybody got a chance. As I was reading this thread, I realized that several of my closest friends are people I met at open mike night! The pub stopped open mike night for a long time cause it seemed to die out for a while but they recently brought it back and now I am hosting them occasionally when they happen to fall on the weekends that I am booked there. Kinda full circle huh?
