The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156564   Message #3690680
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
01-Mar-15 - 05:55 AM
Thread Name: Attractive Asian women are after me...
Subject: RE: Attractive Asian women are after me...
i always sort of hoped Mudcat would be a bit like that with all us old folksingers telling war stories Joe. instead of all this tripe about what is folksong.

i remember one night in Penzance Bert Jansch, Roger Brooks (both now dead) and that guy Bert did the leather laundrette album with nattering away about places we'd been and people we'd met.

I bet Kendall has got some great stories - but he always seems a bit stand offish.

Its a solitary business - going round with your guitar - usually places you don't really know the people. you put on a show, and your mind is thrumming away for hours after -wishing you'd done this or that different.

it would be nice now to, what was it Stonewall Jackson sit under the trees together.