The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29132   Message #369172
Posted By: M.Ted
05-Jan-01 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
Well, let me see how I can cut this whole little thing to pieces without going on to long?;-) OK, the problem is, there is not one good idea here--there are several ideas, of varying merit, but none of them is solid enough to make a workable plan out of--

The biggest difficulty is that all of the ideas lack a central direction--the original idea, would be a good idea for one concert in one town, but there is little or no advantage in co-ordinating it with anything else--And what, exactly, would tour?

As to the house concerts, great, but what would differentiate them from any other house concerts? What, exactly, are people going to hear that is different than what they'd ordinarily hear?

The most together concept is Michigan Folkies and Rick("The Mick and Rick Show", perhaps), a couple of people's apartments and houses (some not necessarily able to accomodate entertainment)--as far as I can see, you best venue is in Shepardstown, WVA, providing you have someone who knows how to promote it right--not an easy matchup here--

Anyway, you need to have a strong central offering, (I want to know more about the "Traditional Music of Maryland" show!!) and then figure out a way to re-create it in everyone's living room--or wherever--

It is important to re-read the posts of everyone who has actually toured and put together concerts, because they know the what the limits are, both in terms of actual costs, and in the effort required to organize it--the better thought out these things are, the more likely they are to happen--