The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83749 Message #3691831
Posted By: Joe Offer
06-Mar-15 - 02:31 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Subject: ADD Version: Little Sally Walker
This is the version I sent to the upcoming Rise Again Songbook. Does it work?
Little Sally Walker, sitting in a saucer Crying & a-weeping over all she has done Rise, Sally, rise - wipe the tears from your eyes Put your hands on you hips, let your back-bone slip Turn to the East, turn to the West Turn to the very one that you love the best Shake it to the East, shake it to the West Shake it to the very one that you love the best D - - - (6x)
trad. (U.S. play party song).
'Little Sally' sits in the center and acts out the parts of the song. On "turn to the very one," 'Sally' faces the one she chooses. On "shake it to the very one," that person becomes 'Sally..' You can change gender if boys are chosen.
From Step It Down by Bessie Jones & Bess Lomax Hawes. On Pete Seeger Song & Play Time, Lead Belly Sings for Children.
Please realize that I cannot wax verbose, because space is limited.