The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156620   Message #3691838
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-Mar-15 - 03:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who is training ISIS the US Army
Subject: RE: BS: Who is training ISIS the US Army
At the beginning of my last post, I missed putting up the date, for the first part....

From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 04 Mar 13 - 01:04 PM


I can't believe you guys don't get it! This shit was decided quite a while ago..and I've been turning you onto what it's about. To facilitate this Rockefeller assured Clinton the Presidency, if Clinton agreed to push through NAFTA..before Clinton was even running!...and voila, Canada and the U.S. were setting the stage. With it came a 60/40 trade import and export agreement with the two countries. The environmental stuff NEVER was a consideration!!..even when Carter put the expanded drilling ban into place. It's all about the trade agreement with Saudi Arabia...we buy their oil..they buy our bonds...and that is also the reason the Mideast is in warring turmoil. ...the region MUST be too screwed up to 'honor' the agreement...or should I say, it must be we can drill here...and they are stuck with all those worthless their 'no longer in place government'.............."