The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83749 Message #3692431
Posted By: GUEST,Sally
08-Mar-15 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Subject: RE: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
I work in an infant center daycare and the other ladies just taught me little sally walker march 6, 2015...the one sitting in the saucer...shaking it to the east and the west and to the one you love best. So i decided to do some research on this rhyme as i had never heard it while growing up. These ladies grew up in S.Carolina, Alabama, and i know it was popular throughout the states. I'm just so surprised that it was so popular and i missed learning it in my childhood. I'm in my late forties now. Ironically, I was a real crybaby....and oh so shy...probably why the kids didn't want me to feel teased. Possibly its a mental block.Lmbo....