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Thread #156666   Message #3693312
Posted By: Musket
12-Mar-15 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: BBC v. Jeremy Clarkson.
Subject: RE: BS: BBC v. Jeremy Clarkson.
I'd read the Coogan bit at the time. Fair comment. He is welcome to my comments too. I haven't met nor been a mate of Clarkson so he has an insight I don't but there again, I don't look for insight, just light entertainment to wash over me.

I enjoy Top Gear, it's a laugh. Most of the pisstaking is at the expense of the presenters by the other presenters and Clarkson in his Top gear magazine articles says how amazed how the more outrageous he gets, the more some people take him at face value.

I have never seen Strictly Come Dancing, Knobenders, Emmerdale Farm, Big Brother, any of the talent shows of recent years, the Voice etc etc, and whilst I admit to keeping quiet and tacitly watching Corrie years ago, the main characters were Albert Tatlock and Ena Sharples the last time I saw it.

Yet amazingly, I don't scream that these shows are a waste of money and that Simon Cowell should be put in a wicker man and burned.

I ain't that selfish for one thing, and let's face it, if everybody had my wisdom, talent, common sense and love of arts, I'd have no peasants to look down on.