The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29174   Message #369376
Posted By: Big Mick
05-Jan-01 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
Well, the rest of you can suck into this shite if you want, but I don't. This horses ass is just doing all the classic manipulative tactics I have seen time and again. First they cast vague aspersions that can be interpreted numbers of way, to get a reaction. Predictably, well meaning Mudcatters react and defend. The offender throws a few flames to keep the fire burning. When the offender senses that some have figured them out, they play the pity card. Some people reject it, and they say "Oh Gosh, I am just trying to apologize. Why won't you accept it?" trying to take the moral high ground. Others start to buy into this. It is the well polished tactic of a veteran sicko. They get their jollies making the puppets dance.

I think you are a worthless piece of shite. I think this primarily because you haven't really apologized at all. A real apology by a person of character and honor would be done in public. You would drop the cloak of anonymity, and stand before this community and admit your fault with no conditions. You would accept the anger and ire of those you manipulated. You would then demonstrate through actions that you wanted to be a respected member of this community, and in time (probably a short time, given the nature of the good people who live here)you would be. Don't want to because of the treatment you fear you would receive? That is the price you pay for your actions. If you really are a person of character, you would accept that and do what you must. If you choose not to, that is your business. But you will remain a worthless pissant in my eyes until you do. Not that I think that matters to you. Your type never likes it when someone figures you out.
