The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156666   Message #3695281
Posted By: Stu
19-Mar-15 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: BBC v. Jeremy Clarkson.
Subject: RE: BS: BBC v. Jeremy Clarkson.
"Don't confuse my superior intellect and need for mental stimulus with your televisual Mogadon fix me old love."

No worries about that. It must be hard for you old establishment types to change with the times (after years of fucking the world up for those that come after you). You ageing 'petrol heads' might enjoy watching some middle aged white posho wannabes pissing about with cars and taking the piss out of johnny foreigner just like the good old days, and who should deny you such a simple pleasure in your dotage?

Better make the most of it though old chaps. The writing's on the wall for right-wing old duffers like the muskets.