The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29310   Message #369545
Posted By: GUEST,Eric-o
06-Jan-01 - 01:58 AM
Thread Name: Essential Robbie Burns
Subject: Essential Robbie Burns
Hi All! Hope you don't mind a stranger dropping in to ask a question; I do a single pub/lounge act. I'm not of Celtic decent, however I love the music and spirit and do have a fair repetoire of such tunes.

I've been asked to perform on Robbie Burns day this year and though I did do this once before (three years ago - very challenging but most enjoyable), I feel that I could prepare better this time.

Could a few of you kind people help me out with a short list of songs that you'd consider to be "musts" to have up my sleeve that day? I'm a quick study so I probably have just enough time to add a handful to my list. Also, any others not by Burns that would contribute?

Thank you kindly, and best New Years wishes!