The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156810   Message #3697673
Posted By: Steve Gardham
27-Mar-15 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: Sam Lee on BBC Radio
Subject: RE: Sam Lee on BBC Radio
Anybody else agree with Crump the Grump?

Joan, Sam made known and made available to all on TSF his material collected from southern travellers a few years ago. He also enlisted our help in identifying and classifying the songs. He's a young lad, for Christ's sake, trying to make a living at it, God help him! I invited him to a folk in education seminar in York about 4 years ago and gave him top spot amongst a lot of distinguished older speakers. He not only acquitted himself magnificently, he showed he knows his stuff when it comes to the song background. I might also add so does his partner in crime, James MacDonald, who delivered a brilliant presentation at the last Sheffield TSF meeting.