The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156869   Message #3699138
Posted By: Joe Offer
02-Apr-15 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: Goodbye good old Mudcat
Subject: RE: Goodbye good old Mudcat
Hi, Skarpi -
The one Getaway I missed since 1999 was in 2005, the year you attended. I'm sorry I never got to meet you.

If you choose to leave Mudcat, it's unfair to give Mudcat the burden of having to delete any sign that you've been here. If you posted something, why should somebody else be obliged to clean it up? We do honor requests to delete phone numbers and e-mail addresses and other personal information from messages that are viewable by the public, but we generally do not delete messages once they're posted unless they're likely to cause harm to someone.

There have been many times that I have deleted three or four messages at someone's request, but even that is a lot of work. Of course, the final decision on that is up to Max.

And yes, another solution is simply to change the user name. That's an easy thing to do. Just e-mail the registrar and ask [].

I wish you all the best, Skarpi.
