The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156883   Message #3699588
Posted By: Mr Red
04-Apr-15 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: unusual hurdy gurdy (de Occitane) ??
Subject: unusual hurdy gurdy (de Occitane) ??
Prunella Scales & Timothy West, boating on the Canal du Midi.

on 4oD here, about 1/2 way through

They meet two musicians who sing for them in the Occitan language.
The instrument they are playing is a two-man, three string hurdy gurdy. has the shape of a ukulele with a wide neck with keys sticking out. Played with the wheel & sound hole facing away from the players, (resting on their laps).

I had never heard of an oganistrum till I whent looking.

Amazingly there is a website for Spain &/or the UK for the instrument, but not France (Occitania).