The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29337   Message #370010
Posted By: Iarf
06-Jan-01 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iarf Rides Again.............!
Subject: Iarf Rides Again.............!
Oh come on you guys (all reference to "guys" automatically assumes non gender specific). I have been lurking since my shameful original appearance on MC. I have since joined as another name (I believe this is a bad , bad thing to do , but as I have only posted as Iarf this once since joining as my other ID I am careless to the objections). I have read with wide eyes the btw Rick Fielding isn't a God thing and the associated threads and decided to come out of lurk to express my complete disgust with the way that GUEST has been treated SINCE HIS APOLOGY.

Give the guy a break. If he/she is a complete **whatever** then at least use the warmth and chemistry of this society to understand and perhaps help mend him/her (please assume him when I write her or her when I write him; it's getting on my nerves too).

Don't give me any of that "we have seen it all before and have had enough" .....we are talking about an individual here not a type. If she had a tough time over December and wrote a posting with a few to many units of alcohol and is now apologetic then let it go.

If he repeats his trespass then try harder to help her.

If , however , you feel you need to rip-off at someone ..then here I am..have a mood is high...I am inflammable and can cope. (should that be unflameable??)

I will not admit to my "real" Id because I would possibly upset another 'Catter and not for any "have you no balls / dick / other male appendage" though why only people with small willy's and no balls are allowed to be pratts escapes me.

Finally to Rick....I have never met you and hope that anything I have said causes you no further embarassment and if it has then please accept my apologies.

I can occasionally be found using my Iarf Id on Paltalk , if anyone feels they want to give me the verbals one to one go right ahead.

I would not use a Kaiser if I had one given to me.;-) I think guns should be compulsory.;-) I think Yanks can't spell.;-)

Should be enough targets there....

Iarf (trying to become an accepted MC'er but will not be shouted down by any Kliques)