The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3700103
Posted By: Greg F.
06-Apr-15 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Greg F, interested to see that you have abandoned your attempt to justify your comment as sarcasm

I have? News to me. Apparently YOU need to learn how to use a dictionary.

you made a flip, thoughtless remark that you realise is unacceptable

I realize no such thing. I think, in the circumstances, it is considerably more acceptable that the mindless maundering and whingeing about "Christian Persecution".

at least have the courage to say so - you would like to see Christians slaughtered.

The only one who has said that they would "like to see Christians slaughtered" is yourself, above.

Now, about that "as you sow, so shall you reap" business- do you doubt the word of God? Remember, too, that all this tsoris is part of "God's Plan", to which "Christians"[sic] are supposed to meekly submit. So why the outrage at Muslims? Shouldn't you be outraged at the Christian God?

Or would you prefer to discuss "The War On Christmas"?